Let me begin by saying, this project was actually very difficult to assemble. Not physically or intellectually, but emotionally. Each song and each group brings back special memories from the past we had carefully stored away in that special compartment of the heart only reserved for treasures of an eternal kind.
It is what it is. A tribute to God's singing army, mostly of the past, but with a few current groups mixed in, too. Each weekend, sometimes more, you precious warriors said goodbye to family and climbed into a bus, a van, or packed a trailer and crawled into a crowded car to head down the highways and by-ways bringing encouragement and cheer as you spread the Gospel Message in testimony and song. Afterwards, as the clock rushed from late Saturday to early Sunday, at some common crossroad the returning buses, vans, and cars would fill up Shoney's parking lot for all to eat a well deserved early morning breakfast before heading home to grab a few precious hours of sleep... then make a mad dash to Sunday School, all the while trying hard not to be late. It didn't work. Time wasn't your friend. But, no one seemed to mind.
We pray God will bless every last one of you. Many have already gone Home..... may our Lord tell them how much we loved and appreciated the many miles and years they served and filled the air with their own sweet unique singing or playing. For those singers and musicians still with us, may this website stand as a humble and sincere expression of the gratitude and love we, in the "clap and cheer" section, hold in our hearts for each. A simple "Thank You" seems so insufficient for all that you have given us. So, I pray our Lord shows each one deep within your heart and spirit what we are trying to say and accomplish and the love we feel toward each one.
If, by design, we never see each other again this side of Heaven, I'm sure we'll meet again.... just around the next curve, down through the underpass and straight up over the bridge where the City on a Hill shines bright. Maybe, just maybe, inside the pearly gates on Hallelujah Blvd, a big ole tin topped red barn is cranking out some sweet Southern Gospel Music. And, gathered outside an open window, a multitude of angels with folded wings strain to understand the meaning of,"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see." Ever listening... but never fully comprehending, angels can only wonder at such mercy and grace our Father extended to mankind through His son, Jesus Christ.
Whatever awaits us, I really believe once there you'll finally realize all the miles traveled on paved and dirt roads... including the occasional cow pasture trail... thru rain, sleet and snow... along with bad directions... mis-scheduled homecomings... dinners on the ground — some 'in the rain'... forgotten lyrics... wardrobe malfunctions... sound board and equipment failure... vehicle breakdowns... flat tires... dead batteries... and, yes, even those few tragic accidents that happened a long time ago, in another life... on another highway, are now nothing more than unforgettably eternal...."PRECIOUS MEMORIES."
Fore♥er grateful, ~lw & deb <><
Special Note:
This website probably will never be fully finished. We will continue updating the pages as groups provide us new information. There are several old groups we are attempting to contact and, if successful, will be adding these as they become available. The slide shows and site pictures will be updated as groups and individuals share with us their private pictures. We will also update the background scenes to reflect the seasons and special holidays of the year. Please tell us what we can do to improve the site or make it easier to use. Please tell your friends to stop by www.PreciousMemories.us